How do I provide feedback or make a complaint?

Antisocial behaviour

To complain about the behaviour of a SA Housing Trust (the Trust) tenant and how to make a complaint, see antisocial behaviour in public housing.

Related Information

Children and Young People

We respect the views of children and young people. Customers may wish to provide feedback or make a complaint on behalf of the children and young people in their care. Young people receiving a service directly may wish to provide feedback themselves. We will listen to and act upon any complaints or concerns that a young person or parent or guardian of a child or young person raises with us.

Our organisation is committed to the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations.

For all other feedback or to make a complaint:


Submit feedback online



Call us Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 5.00 pm

  • Contact Centre:  131 299
  • Translating and Interpreter Service:  131 450
  • National Relay Service TTY/Voice calls:  133 677
  • Speak and Listen:  1300 555 727


Download the Brochure and Form, fill out and Post back to address below,  OR

Write a letter and send to:

Customer Feedback
GPO Box 1669
Adelaide SA 5001

In Person

Attendance at any Trust Office.  Locate a Trust Office near you.

What happens next?


We will share your compliment with the person or area.


We will pay attention to your complaint and try to find a solution. We will tell you what happens with your complaint.


We will ensure the right person follows up your feedback and will contact you about any action or decision.

You have the right to refer matters to:

Related Information

Requesting compensation from SA Housing Trust (the Trust)

If your personal property has been damaged, or you have been injured, and you believe the Trust is at fault you should refer to this information guide.

The information is provided for reference only, and is not an admission of liability.

The Trust considers any claim made to us on its individual merits.