This policy sets out how Housing SA helps people affected by domestic abuse, also known as domestic and family violence.

In the interest of the victim’s safety and security, Housing SA also helps perpetrators of domestic abuse.

Housing SA may help people affected by domestic abuse by:

  • providing financial assistance into emergency accommodation
  • providing financial assistance into private rental accommodation
  • registering them for public, Aboriginal housing, or housing managed by Housing SA in an Aboriginal community
  • providing information, advocacy and referrals to services provided by other government and non-government agencies
  • writing off debt owed to Housing SA as a result of domestic abuse in line with the Account management policy

Housing SA may help people living in Housing SA properties by:

  • transferring them to another property
  • providing security items at the property, for example security doors, security screens, window locks

What domestic abuse is

Domestic abuse is an act that results in, or is intended to result in, any of the below:

  • physical injury
  • emotional or psychological harm
  • denial of financial, social or personal autonomy
  • damage to property owned, used or enjoyed by the victim

Domestic abuse can happen between two people who are, or have been, in any of the below relationships:

  • domestic partners, or another form of intimate personal relationship where their lives are interrelated and their actions affect each other
  • a person and a child of any age, for example stepchild, grandchild, child under the person’s guardianship
  • a person and siblings, stepsiblings or other children who regularly stay or live with the person
  • people otherwise related to each other by blood, marriage, adoption or another form of domestic partnership
  • people who are related according to Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander kinship rules, or are both members of another culturally recognised family group
  • a carer and the person they're caring for

Verifying domestic abuse

Housing SA requires verification of domestic abuse when providing assistance. In urgent situations, verification can take place after providing assistance.

Verification can be verbal or in writing, including information from:

  • a relevant support agency
  • a third party, for example relatives, friends, neighbours
  • an intervention order
  • a Multi Agency Protection Service summary document
  • an assessment by Housing SA

Security items

Housing SA provides and installs security items at a Housing SA tenant’s property if they meet all the below conditions:

  • they are affected by domestic abuse
  • domestic abuse is verified
  • there’s a direct or imminent threat to the personal safety or well-being of the tenant or their children
  • the perpetrator isn’t living with the tenant
  • Housing SA determines the items are essential for the tenant and their household to live safely in the property
  • the relevant Housing SA Regional Manager approves it

Intervention orders

Housing SA supports the conditions of intervention orders, including:

  • interim intervention orders issued by the police or a court
  • final intervention orders confirmed by a court

In an intervention order, the victim is the protected person and the perpetrator is the defendant.

Depending on the conditions of the intervention order, Housing SA may:

  • separate a joint registration of interest so the defendant and the protected person have their own registrations
  • not allow the defendant to access a Housing SA property
  • not provide financial assistance for both the defendant and protected person into the same private rental accommodation
  • not allow the defendant to end their Housing SA tenancy while an interim intervention order is in place
  • require the defendant to stay away from or end their tenancy in a Housing SA property
  • not approve a defendant's registration for transfer
  • transfer the defendant's tenancy to a protected person in line with the Tenancy succession policy under a court issued tenancy order

Housing SA reports all known breaches of intervention orders to the police.

Working with other agencies

Family Safety Framework

The Family Safety Framework is a multi-agency response to high-risk cases of domestic abuse. Housing SA participates in Family Safety Meetings.

Housing SA undertakes a Domestic Violence Risk Assessment for people at risk of, or currently experiencing, domestic abuse. High-risk cases are referred to a Family Safety Meeting.

Multi Agency Protection Service

The Multi Agency Protection Service is a multi-agency partnership that shares information and responds to cases of domestic abuse.

Housing SA participates in the Multi Agency Protection Service and responds to actions and requests from the Multi Agency Protection Service.

Related information

Controlling documents

This policy is based on and complies with:

Supporting procedures

  • Domestic abuse procedures v13.1

Related policies and other documents

Date this policy applies from

3 August 2022

Version number


The online version of the policy is the approved and current version. There is no guarantee that any printed copies are current.