Your subsidised rent may increase if you live in public or community housing and you have a moderate household income.

You have a moderate household income if both the below apply:

  • your total assessable household income before tax is equal to or more than the moderate rent limits
  • you or your partner don’t receive an income support payment from Centrelink or Department of Veterans’ Affairs.

The maximum weekly income before tax for each household type.
Household typeMaximum weekly income before tax
1 adult$807.21
1 adult, 1 child$986.59
1 adult, 2 children$1,165.97
2 adults$1,255.66
2 adults, 1 child$1,435.04
2 adults, 2 children$1,614.42

The moderate rent limits increase by:

  • $448.45 per week for each additional adult
  • $179.38 per week for each additional child.

An adult is someone aged 18 and over. A child is someone aged 17 or younger.

An income support payment from Centrelink is any of the below income types:

  • Abstudy
  • Age Pension
  • Austudy
  • Carer Payment
  • Disability Support Pension
  • JobSeeker Payment
  • Parenting Payment
  • Sickness Allowance
  • Special Benefit
  • Widow Allowance
  • Youth Allowance.

Family Tax Benefit is not an income support payment from Centrelink.

An income support payment from Department of Veterans’ Affairs income is any of the below income types:

  • Service Pensions, for example Age Service Pension, Invalidity Service Pension, Partner Service Pension and Social Security Age Pension
  • Disability Compensation Payment
  • War Widows Pension / War Widowers Pension.

Moderate rent limits are based on an income equal to, or less than, a percentage of average weekly earnings (male ordinary time) for South Australia as set by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Where average weekly earnings fall lower than a previously published amount, the moderate rent limits are still based on the higher amount.

The moderate rent limits are reviewed twice a year in line with Australian Bureau of Statistics updates.

Only assessable types of income are included.

The percentages for households:

  • 45% for an adult
  • 55% for an adult and 1 child
  • 65% for an adult and 2 children
  • 70% for 2 adults
  • 80% for 2 adults and 1 child
  • 90% for 2 adults and 2 children.

The moderate rent limits increase by:

  • 25% for each additional adult
  • 10% for each additional child.
Page last updated: 5 June 2024