More homes for South Australians

The State Government has unveiled its Housing Roadmap in which the SA Housing Trust will play a vital role in getting more people into affordable and public homes.

Our achievements - highlights infographics

We are proud of our work with our government and non-government partners to achieve a better housing future for South Australia.

While more detail of our operations and achievements can be found in our annual reports, each year we summarise our key achievements in a "highlights" infographic:

Disability Access and Inclusion plan

The Authority is committed to creating inclusive communities and meeting the housing needs of all South Australians.

The Plan sets out a number of actions that will improve accessibility and inclusion for our staff, customers and partners, and supports the key priorities outlined in the State’s Disability and Inclusion Plan, Inclusive SA.

Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan

In August 2021  we launched our Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) which supports the national reconciliation movement.

Annual Reports

Current Annual Report

Archived Annual Reports

Community Housing

The National Regulatory System for Community Housing (NRSCH) sets out performance outcomes and requirements that registered Community Housing Providers must demonstrate their ongoing compliance with.

Homelessness Winter Strategy

Supporting  South Australians during the cold Winter months, a Strategy to bring more people out of the cold and reach more people who may be sleeping rough.

State Housing, Homelessness and Support Strategy

Below are documents that informed the development of the State Housing, Homelessness and Support Strategy titled 'Our Housing Future 2020-2030'

Below are two reports about Lived Experience Workshops:

Emergency Accommodation

Emergency Accommodation Program final report (PDF, 322.5 KB)

Triennial Review

Independent reports on the performance of the South Australian Housing Trust (SAHT), undertaken by an independent third party and made available to Parliament and the public.

Homelessness Research

AHURI report

A new report from the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI) has been released in the past month, exploring ways to redesign the homelessness system. The report includes discussion about alliances and prevention, among other initiatives. This report can be found on the AHURI website.

AIHW reports

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) is regularly uploading reports on Specialist Homelessness Services. Find the latest data (updated quarterly) on the AIHW website.

Flinders University report – young women’s experiences of violence and homelessness

SA Housing Authority commissioned research through Flinders University into the experiences of young people, violence and homelessness.  The full report and summary by Sarah Wendt and Kristin Natalier, is now available below.

Aspire Social Impact Bond

Social Ventures Australia have released their fourth Annual Aspire Social Impact Bond Report (Aspire SIB).

Housing Reports

To request a copy of the Rough Sleep Count Report, please email

Our housing strategies

Related Information

SA Housing Authority data sets can be found at Data SA, a South Australian Government Data Directory