Lived experience workshops

Lived Experience participants identifying key issuesAppointed Taskforce members and their networks nominated participants to register interest to attend two lived experience workshops. Nomination eligibility included participant being an older woman (aged 55 years or older; or at a minimum in their 40s recognising an early intervention approach); currently living in South Australia; have experience(s) with insecure housing at any point in their life.

We would like to thank the women for their generosity in sharing their stories, insights and ideas as to how we can work differently and improve housing security for older women. The outcomes of these workshops were to be used as the basis to inform the ideas, actions and decisions of the Housing Security for Older Women Taskforce.

Lived experience workshop 1 - 25 November 2022

Workshop 1, held 25 November 22Focused on understanding the role of the Taskforce and how this links with South Australia’s Plan for Ageing Well 2020-2025,  what housing security means and challenges experienced by older women.

Lived experience workshop 2 - 9 December 2022

Workshop 2, held 9 December 22

Focused on what participants would like to see changed for housing for older women and understanding what is lived experience leadership and Taskforce expectations.